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There’s just too much good TV out there how can we truly rank them?
Finally, Tim Surette of TV Guide sums it up best. Tim Goodman of The Hollywood Reporter debuted his whopping 46 greatest TV shows of 2017, and thankfully GoT came in towards the top of the pack in the 8th place slot. The Daily Beast included GoT as the fourteenth best show of the year. Three NPR critics joined forces to etch out a non-ranked top 26, where GoT secured a spot. Fortunately, Uproxx has critics other than just Sepinwall, so GoT has placed 9th on their poll. You won’t regret it.Īdditionally, Game of Thrones has popped up on a few more overall lists. Wipe the dust off your HBO GO account that you haven’t used since August 27th and watch The Leftovers, while you’ve got some downtime between GoT seasons. Sidenote – take a look at that image of The Leftovers that Sepinwall rightly highlighted. Though he is not always positive in his reviews of GoT, even he could not leave The Loot Train Battle off his list of impressive visuals. TVLine compiled 65 quotes they felt stood above the rest of 2017 TV, and Game of Thrones takes spot 46 and 47, courtesy of Sansa Starkand Olenna Tyrellwith Sansa’s in reference to Littlefinger’s sentencing, and Olenna’s being her final words for Cersei.Īlan Sepinwall decided to add a new list to his yearly roundup, and compiled 15 indelible images he saw on TV this year. Meanwhile, Entertainment Weekly decided that no list of ‘ Shocking TV Moments’ would be complete without Wight Viserion making his debut. The NYTimes compiled a list of fake news 2017’s most memorable TV episodes, and they included 704’s The Spoils of War among the contenders. While season 7 had its fair share of character deaths (admittedly fewer than seasons past), they highlight Olenna Tyrell, Littlefinger, and Viserion as the characters whose deaths affected the story the most.

Variety put together a list of TV’s most meaningful deaths of 2017. Whether it was a list of TV’s best quotes of 2017, TV’s most impactful deaths of 2017, a list of landmark TV visuals of 2017, or simply another list of best overall shows of 2017, GoT continues to reign supreme in all corners of the TV landscape. Turns out I pulled the trigger on that too early, as more and more lists are turning up on which – you guessed it – GoT is featured. Last week, I shared with you all the best-of lists on which Game of Thrones season 7 showed face.